Wildstar: гайд по созданию рун
Система рункрафтинга в Wildstar очень похожа на систему джеминга (вставление камней в слоты) из многих других RPG игр. На вещах есть слоты разных видов (читай цветов), в которые мы вставляем руны, тех же самых цветов. Все просто. Стандартная система кастомизации вещей под себя. Помимо добавления сухих статов (+ 15 Tech, +20 Crit. Hit Rating и тп.) руны можно собирать в сеты. Тут то и раскрывается настоящая полезность рун. Но обо всем по порядку…
Как крафтить
На 15 уровне вам должны позвонить с заданием скрафтить вашу первую руну. Сделать это неправильно будет очень сложно ;D Чтобы скрафтить руну вам нужно:
1. Подойти к рунному станку (по одному такому находиться в обоих столицах)
2. Выбрать нужный вам тип руны и сет
3. Ну и конечно иметь с собой все нужные компоненты для крафта руны.
Руны крафтятся из 2 основных компонентов (3х если крафтим руну из сета):
- Elemental Signs. Всего их 7 типов: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Logic, Life и Fusion. Каждый из которых делиться на подвиды (что-то вроде уровней качеста если хотите). Чаще всего элементальные символы, которые требуются для крафа, совпадют с видом руны на выходе.
- Rune Fragments. Рунные фрагменты бывают 4х уровней качества. Для Крафта руны из какого либо сета в уравнение добавляется сетовый рунный фрагмент. Какие именно искать в разделе с сетами.
Как и куда вставлять
Куда вставлять думаю понятно. Уровня с 15 на вещах должны появляться слоты под руны. Слоты соответствуют типам рун. Есть еще дополнительный 8 тип слота под названием Omni в который можно вставить руну любого типа. Количество слотов на вещах варьируется от 0 до 5 в зависимости от качества вещи. Оружие качества артефакт (розовые которые) имеет 6 Omni слотов.
Руны в вещи вставляются с помощью все того же рунного станка в городе, с помощью второй вкладки.
Рунные слоты, кроме первого, обычно закрыты и требуют небольшой платы для открытия. Также рунные слоты начиная со второго начинают терять эффективность. Если первый даст вам 100% статов с руны, то второй уже даст 78%, третий 66% и так далее. Поэтому очередность рун будет иметь некую ценность. Вещь с рунами выглядит вот так:
Рунные сеты
Теперь самое интересное. Из рун можно собирать сеты с довольно вкусными бонусами. Иногда бонусы от сета насколько вкусны, что иногда можно закрыть глаза на статы руны или порядковый номер слота в который она вставлена.
Две абсолютно одинаковых руны одного сета нельзя вставлять в одну вещь, но можно вставлять руны из одного сета но разных типов. Например, нельзя вставить в одну вещь 2 одинаковых огненные руны на + 15 Tech в одну вещь, но можно 2 огненные руны, одна из которых на +15 Tech, а другая + 20 Crit Hit Rating или если одна огненная руна на +15 Tech, а вторая руна воздушная на +20 Strikethrough.
Ниже приведен структурированный список всех рунных сетов в игре и какие специфические сетовые рунные фрагменты нужны для крафта рун из нужного вам сета.
Для крафта любого сета из раздела General Rune Sets требуется Augmented Rune Fragment.
[4] Increases Assault Power by 16 and grants a 25% chance to deal an additional 20 physical damage when landing a hit on a foe below 30% health.
[8] Increases Assault Power by 16 and grants a 25% chance to deal an additional 30 physical damage when landing a hit on a foe below 30% health.
[12] Increases Assault Power by 16 and grants a 25% chance to deal an additional 40 physical damage when landing a hit on a foe below 30% health.
Fire rune of Assault Power
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Crit. Severity
Life rune of Critical Hit
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Weapon Specialist
[4] Weapon Specialist: Increases Physical Damage Dealt by 1% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Physical Resistance by 240.
[8] Weapon Specialist: Increases Physical Damage Dealt by 1.5% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Physical Resistance by 360.
[12] Weapon Specialist: Increases Physical Damage Dealt by 2% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Physical Resistance by 480.
Fire rune of Assault Power
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Strikethrough
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Resist Physical
[4] Technophile: Increases Technology Damage Dealt by 1% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Technology Resistance by X.
[8] Technophile: Increases Technology Damage Dealt by 1.5% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Technology Resistance by X.
[12] Technophile: Increases Technology Damage Dealt by 2% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Technology Resistance by X.
Fire rune of Brutality
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Tech
Air rune of Finesse
Air rune of Resist Tech
[4] Spellweaver: Increases Magic Damage dealt by 1% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Magic Resistance by X.
[8] Spellweaver: Increases Magic Damage dealt by 1.5% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Magic Resistance by X.
[12] Spellweaver: Increases Magic Damage dealt by 2% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Magic Resistance by X.
Life rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Moxie
Water rune of Finesse
Water rune of Magic Resist
Water rune of Strikethrough
Shield Specialist
[4] Shield Specialist: Increases Max Shield by 860 and reduces your Shield Reboot Time by 1.00s.
[8] Shield Specialist: Increases Max Shield by 1300 and reduces your Shield Reboot Time by 1.00s.
[12] Shield Specialist: Increases Max Shield by 1740 and reduces your Shield Reboot Time by 1.00s.
Logic rune of Armor
Logic rune of Shield Cap
Air rune of Deflect Crit
Air rune of Deflect
Air rune of Shield Cap
Earth rune of Tech
Protect Your Neck
[4] Protect your Neck: Increases Armor by 128 and grants Defense for 5.0s when you drop below 30% health. Defense: Increases Armor by 830. Can only occur every 30.00s.
[8] Protect your Neck: Increases Armor by 192 and grants Defense for 5.0s when you drop below 30% health. Defense: Increases Armor by 1250. Can only occur every 30.00s.
[12] Protect your Neck: Increases Armor by 258 and grants Defense for 5.0s when you drop below 30% health. Defense: Increases Armor by 1660. Can only occur every 30.00s.
Earth rune of Armor
Earth rune of Grit
Air rune of Deflect Crit
Air rune of Deflect
Life rune of Deflect Crit
Life rune of Health
[4] Preservation: Increases Max Health by 435 and grants a 10% chance to restore 114 health when you land a hit. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[8] Preservation: Increases Max Health by 650 and grants a 10% chance to restore 171 health when you land a hit. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[12] Preservation: Increases Max Health by 870 and grants a 10% chance to restore 229 health when you land a hit. Can only occur every 5.00s.
Water rune of Grit
Water rune of Strikethrough
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of Health
Life rune of Grit
Life rune of Health
Team Player
[4] Team Player: Increases Support Power by 16 and grants a 25% chance to restore an additional 22 health when landing a heal on an ally that is below 30% health.
[8] Team Player: Increases Support Power by 24 and grants a 25% chance to restore an additional 33 health when landing a heal on an ally that is below 30% health.
[12] Team Player: Increases Support Power by 32 and grants a 25% chance to restore an additional 43 health when landing a heal on an ally that is below 30% health.
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Health
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Focus Regen
[4] Serenity: Increases Max Focus by 62 and grants a 50% chance to restore 8 Focus when you land a Critical Heal. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[8] Serenity: Increases Max Focus by 93 and grants a 50% chance to restore 12 Focus when you land a Critical Heal. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[12] Serenity: Increases Max Focus by 128 and grants a 50% chance to restore 16 Focus when you land a Critical Heal. Can only occur every 5.00s.
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Insight
Life rune of Recovery
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Air rune of Recovery
Для крафта сета из раздела Eldan Rune Sets вам потребуется определенный рунный фрагмент с названием сета. Например, для крафта руны из сета Hard Rock, вам понадобиться Fragment of Hard Rock.
Интересные факты:
Сеты с название начинающимся на Fusion требуют фрагмент с названием Shadow.
Сеты Tech Fire Starter и Magic Fire Starter используют один сетовый фрамент с названием Fire Starter.
Fusion(Shadow) Blast
[8] Assassin: Increases Assault Power by 16 and grants a 25% chance to deal an additional 30 physical damage when landing a hit on a foe below 30% health.
[12] Assassin: Increases Assault Power by 16 and grants a 25% chance to deal an additional 40 physical damage when landing a hit on a foe below 30% health.
[20] Shadow Blast: Landing a Critical Hit grants a 5% chance to deal an additional 1207 magic damage that spreads to 4 foes within 6m.
Fire rune of Assault Power
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of Crit. Severity
Fusion rune of Critical Hit
Air rune of Strikethrough
Hard Rock
[8] Weapon Specialist: Increases Physical Damage Dealt by 1.5% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Physical Resistance by 360.
[12] Weapon Specialist: Increases Physical Damage Dealt by 2% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Physical Resistance by 480.
[20] Hard Rock: Landing a Critical Hit grants a 50% chance to summon a Granite Golem to fight beside you for 15.0s. Can only occur every 60.00s.
Earth rune of Armor
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of Tech
Logic rune of Armor
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Fire rune of Health
Tech Fire Starter
[8] Technophile: Increases Technology Damage by 1.5% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Technology Resistance by X.
[12] Technophile: Increases Technology Damage by 2% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Technology Resistance by X.
[20] Fire Starter: Landing a Critical Hit creates a 6m field that lasts for 6.0s that deals 145 damage every 1.0s to foes. Can only occur every 10.00s.
Fire rune of Assault Power
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Tech
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Magic Fire Starter
[8] Spellweaver: Increases Magic Damage by 1.5% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Magic Resistance by X.
[12] Spellweaver: Increases Magic Damage by 2% and grants a 10% chance to apply an Expose for 5.0s when you land a hit. Expose: Reduces Magic Resistance by X.
[20] Fire Starter: Landing a Critical Hit creates a 6m field that lasts for 6.0s that deals 145 damage every 1.0s to foes. Can only occur every 10.00s.
Fire rune of Assault Power
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Crit. Severity
Life rune of Critical Hit
Water rune of Recovery
Water rune of Strikethrough
Logic Bomb
[8] Shield Specialist: Increases Max Shield by 1300 and reduces your Shield Reboot Time by 1.00s.
[12] Shield Specialist: Increases Max Shield by 1740 and reduces your Shield Reboot Time by 1.00s.
[20] Logic Bomb: Whenever your Shield is depleted you unleash a Logic Bomb dealing 620 technology damage to 5 foes within 6m and restoring 724 shield to yourself and 4 allies within 6m. Can only occur every Xs.
Logic rune of Armor
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Shield Cap
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Shield Cap
Air rune of Shield Cap
Fusion(Shadow) Guard
[8] Protect your Neck: Increases Armor by 192 and grants a Defense for 5.0s when you drop below 30% health. Defense: increases Armor by 1250. Can only occur every X seconds.
[12] Protect your Neck: Increases Armor by 258 and grants a Defense for 5.0s when you drop below 30% health. Defense: increases Armor by 1660. Can only occur every X seconds.
[20] Shadow Guard: Taking a Critical Hit grants a 10% chance to grant a Defense for 5.0s. Defense: Increases Armor by 2170.
Logic rune of Armor
Fusion rune of Armor
Fusion rune of Deflect
Fusion rune of Support Power
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of Tech
[8] Preservation: Increases Max Health by 650 and grants a 10% chance to restore 171 health when you land a hit. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[12] Preservation: Increases Max Health by 870 and grants a 10% chance to restore 229 health when you land a hit. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[20] Crystalize: When you drop below 50% health you deal 809 magic damage to 5 foes within 6m and Root them for 2.0s. Can only occur every 45.00s.
Life rune of Deflect Crit.
Life rune of Health
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of Tech
Water rune of Grit
Water rune of Recovery
Water rune of Suppor Power
Fusion(Shadow) Gorge
[8] Team Player: Increases Support Power by 24 and grants a 25% chance to restore an additional 33 health when landing a heal on an ally that is below 30% health.
[12] Team Player: Increases Support Power by 32 and grants a 25% chance to restore an additional 43 health when landing a heal on an ally that is below 30% health.
[20] Shadow Gorge: Taking a Critical Hit grants a 10% chance to deal 795 damage to 5 foes within 6m. Additionally, you will heal yourself and your party members for the damage dealt. Can only occur every X seconds.
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Life rune of Insight
Fusion rune of Insight
Fusion rune of Recovery
Fusion rune of Support Power
Life Giver
[8] Serenity: Increases Max Focus by 93 and grants a 50% chance to restore 12 focus wen you land a Critical Heal. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[12] Serenity: Increases Max Focus by 128 and grants a 50% chance to restore 16 focus wen you land a Critical Heal. Can only occur every 5.00s.
[20] Life Giver: Landing a Critical Heal creates a 6m field lasting for 6.0s that restores 176 health every 1.0s to allies. Can only occur every 20.00s.
Life rune of Crit. Severity
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Insight
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Head Wind
[8] Head Wind: While Sprinting you leave behind a trail that will Snare foes by 15%.
[12] Head Wind: While Sprinting you leave behind a trail that will Snare foes by X%.
[20] Head Wind: While Sprinting you leave behind a trail that will Snare foes by X%.
Life rune of Deflect Crit.
Air rune of Deflect Crit.
Air rune of Deflect
Air rune of Shield Cap
Logic rune of Deflect Crit.
Logic rune of Shield Cap
Для крафта руны из раздела Class Rune Sets вам понадобиться рунный фрагмент с названием определенного класса. Например, для крафта любого сета для Медика, вам будет нужен Fragment of the Medic.
Full Charge
[6] Full Charge: Activating Energize grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 168.
[11] Full Charge: Activating Energize grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by X.
[15] Full Charge: Activating Energize grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by X.
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Health
Life rune of Insight
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Water rune of Strikethrough
Fire rune of Insight
Fire rune of Tech
Echo Burst
[6] Echo Burst: Landing a Critical Hit deals an additional 48 technology damage. Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 55 health.
[11] Echo Burst: Landing a Critical Hit deals an additional 66 technology damage. Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 76 health.
[15] Echo Burst: Landing a Critical Hit deals an additional 79 technology damage. Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 91 health.
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Crit. Severity
Life rune of Critical Git
Life rune of Insight
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Insight
Fire rune of Tech
Sucker Punch
[6] Sucker Punch: Landing a hit grants a 10% chance to deal an additional 77 physical damage when attacking from behind or 74 physical damage when attacking from the side.
[11] Sucker Punch: Landing a hit grants a 10% chance to deal an additional 105 physical damage when attacking from behind or 100 physical damage when attacking from the side.
[15] Sucker Punch: Landing a hit grants a 10% chance to deal an additional 127 physical damage when attacking from behind or 121 physical damage when attacking from the side.
Fire rune of Brutality
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Tech
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Logic rune of Tech
Fusion rune of Critical Hit
Fusion rune of Strikethrough
[6] Predator: While using Stealth, Combat Stealth, or Tactical Retreat you gain Swiftness: Increases Movement Speed by 10%
[11] Predator: While using Stealth, Combat Stealth, or Tactical Retreat you gain Swiftness: Increases Movement Speed by 15%
[15] Predator: While using Stealth, Combat Stealth, or Tactical Retreat you gain Swiftness: Increases Movement Speed by 20%
Earth rune of Brutality
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Tech
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Deflect
Logic rune of Tech
Air rune of Deflect
Air rune of Strikethrough
[6] Reverberate: Deal 239 technology damage to 5 foes within 6m when casting Plasma Wall or Whirlwind ends or is interrupted.
[11] Reverberate: Deal 379 technology damage to 5 foes within 6m when casting Plasma Wall or Whirlwind ends or is interrupted.
[15] Reverberate: Deal 458 technology damage to 5 foes within 6m when casting Plasma Wall or Whirlwind ends or is interrupted.
Earth rune of Armor
Earth rune of Tech
Fire rune of Brutality
Fire rune of Shield Cap
Fire rune of Tech
Air rune of Deflect
Air rune of Shield Cap
Air rune of Strikethrough
Lingering Charge
[6] Lingering Charge: Activating Stance: Onslaught or Stance: Juggernaut causes your next Energy Restricted ability to deal 1315 bonus technology damage.
[11] Lingering Charge: Activating Stance: Onslaught or Stance: Juggernaut causes your next Energy Restricted ability to deal 1785 bonus technology damage.
[15] Lingering Charge: Activating Stance: Onslaught or Stance: Juggernaut causes your next Energy Restricted ability to deal 2160 bonus technology damage.
Earth rune of Brurtality
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Tech
Fire rune of Brutality
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Tech
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Tough Chassis
[6] Tough Chassis: Grants a buff to your Bots increasing their Max Health by 600 as well as Assault and Support Power by X.
[11] Tough Chassis: Grants a buff to your Bots increasing their Max Health by 800 as well as Assault and Support Power by X.
[15] Tough Chassis: Grants a buff to your Bots increasing their Max Health by 1000 as well as Assault and Support Power by X.
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Logic rune of Strikethrough
Logic rune of Tech
Air rune of Finesse
Air rune of Strikethrough
Water rune of Finesse
Water rune of Grit
Water rune of Strikethrough
In the Zone
[6] In the Zone: Gain a Defense while you are between 25% and 75% Volatility. Defense: Increases Armor by 700.
[11] In the Zone: Gain a Defense while you are between 25% and 75% Volatility. Defense: Increases Armor by 950.
[15] In the Zone: Gain a Defense while you are between 25% and 75% Volatility. Defense: Increases Armor by 1150.
Earth rune of Armor
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of Tech
Logic rune of Armor
Logic rune of Tech
Air rune of Deflect Crit.
Air rune of Deflect
Air rune of Shield Cap
[6] Synapse: Building 5 Psi Points within 4.0s grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Critical Hit Rating by X.
[11] Synapse: Building 5 Psi Points within 4.0s grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Critical Hit Rating by X.
[15] Synapse: Building 5 Psi Points within 4.0s grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Critical Hit Rating by X.
Earth rune of Brutality
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Grit
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Insight
Life rune of Recovery
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Concentrated Assault
[6] Concentrated Assault: Activating Spectral Form deals 308 magic damage to 5 foes within 6m and Roots them for 1.0s.
[11] Concentrated Assault: Activating Spectral Form deals 458 magic damage to 5 foes within 6m and Roots them for 1.0s.
[15] Concentrated Assault: Activating Spectral Form deals 578 magic damage to 5 foes within 6m and Roots them for 1.0s.
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Insight
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Insight
Fire rune of Moxie
Air rune of Moxie
Air rune of Recovery
Air rune of Strikethrough
Surge Bank
[6] Surge Bank: Increases Max Spell Power by 6.
[11] Surge Bank: Increases Max Spell Power by 9.
[15] Surge Bank: Increases Max Spell Power by 11.
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Earth rune of Grit
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of Finesse
Life rune of Insight
Water rune of Finesse
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of Recovery
Focused Surge
[6] Focused Surge: Landing a hit while Spell Surged grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 11. Stacks 5 times.
[11] Focused Surge: Landing a hit while Spell Surged grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 15. Stacks 5 times.
[15] Focused Surge: Landing a hit while Spell Surged grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 19. Stacks 5 times.
Fire rune of Critical Hit
Fire rune of Health
Fire rune of Insight
Air rune of Finesse
Air rune of Recovery
Air rune of Strikethrough
Water rune of Finesse
Water rune of Insight
Для крафта руны из раздела PvP Rune Sets вам понадобиться рунный фрагмент с названием Fragment of the Gladiator, который можно купить за престиж (пвп валюта) у пвп вендора.
Shield Flux
[6] Shield Flux: Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 55 shield. Landing a Critical Hit restores the same amount to your shield.
[11] Shield Flux: Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 76 shield. Landing a Critical Hit restores the same amount to your shield.
[15] Shield Flux: Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 91 shield. Landing a Critical Hit restores the same amount to your shield.
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of PvP Defense
Fusion rune of PvP Offense
Fusion rune of Support Power
Life rune of Critical Hit
Life rune of PvP Defense
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of PvP Defense
Fire rune of Moxie
Fire rune of PvP Offense
Earth rune of PvP Defense
Earth rune of Tech
Unfair Advantage
[6] Unfair Advantage: Landing a hit from Stealth grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 28.
[11] Unfair Advantage: Landing a hit from Stealth grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 38.
[15] Unfair Advantage: Landing a hit from Stealth grants an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Assault and Support Power by 46.
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of PvP Defense
Fusion rune of PvP Offense
Fusion rune of Support Power
Fire rune of Brutality
Fire rune of PvP Offense
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of PvP Defense
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of PvP Defense
Air rune of Moxie
Air rune of PvP Offense
[6] Overpower: When a foe deflects one of your attacks you gain an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Strikethrough and Critical Hit Rating by 28.
[11] Overpower: When a foe deflects one of your attacks you gain an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Strikethrough and Critical Hit Rating by 38.
[15] Overpower: When a foe deflects one of your attacks you gain an Empower for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Strikethrough and Critical Hit Rating by 46.
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of PvP Defense
Fusion rune of PvP Offense
Fusion rune of Support Power
Fire rune of Brutality
Fire rune of PvP Offense
Logic rune of Crit. Severity
Logic rune of PvP Defense
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of PvP Defense
Air rune of Moxie
Air rune of PvP Offense
[6] Supercharged ExoSuit: Activating Mode: Eradicate or Mode: Provoke grants an Empower and Defense for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Critical Hit Rating by 168. Defense: Increases Deflect Rating by X.
[11] Supercharged ExoSuit: Activating Mode: Eradicate or Mode: Provoke grants an Empower and Defense for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Critical Hit Rating by 228. Defense: Increases Deflect Rating by X.
[15] Supercharged ExoSuit: Activating Mode: Eradicate or Mode: Provoke grants an Empower and Defense for 5.0s. Empower: Increases Critical Hit Rating by 276. Defense: Increases Deflect Rating by X.
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of PvP Defense
Fusion rune of PvP Offense
Fusion rune of Support Power
Water rune of Finesse
Water rune of PvP Defense
Logic rune of Critical Hit
Logic rune of PvP Defense
Earth rune of Grit
Earth rune of PvP Defense
Air rune of Moxie
Air rune of PvP Offense
Sight Before Sight
[6] Sight Before Sight: Landing a Critical Hit applies a Blind for 1.0s. Blind: Hinders vision and reduces Strikethrough Chance by 25%. Can only occur every 10.00s.
Landing a Critical Heal grants Empower for 5.0s. Empower: increases Strikethrough and Critical Hit Rating by 65. Can only occur every 10.00s.
[11] Sight Before Sight: Landing a Critical Hit applies a Blind for 1.25s. Blind: Hinders vision and reduces Strikethrough Chance by 25%. Can only occur every 10.00s.
Landing a Critical Heal grants Empower for 5.0s. Empower: increases Strikethrough and Critical Hit Rating by X. Can only occur every 10.00s.
[15] Sight Before Sight: Landing a Critical Hit applies a Blind for 1.5s. Blind: Hinders vision and reduces Strikethrough Chance by 25%. Can only occur every 10.00s.
Landing a Critical Heal grants Empower for 5.0s. Empower: increases Strikethrough and Critical Hit Rating by X. Can only occur every 10.00s
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of PvP Defense
Fusion rune of PvP Offense
Fusion rune of Support Power
Fire rune of Moxie
Fire rune of PvP Offense
Life rune of Crit. Severity
Life rune of PvP Defense
Water rune of Insight
Water rune of PvP Defense
Air rune of Finesse
Air rune of PvP Offense
Scatter shots
[6] Scatter Shots: Landing a Critical Hit deals an additional 45 magic damage that spreads to 3 foes within 6m. Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 52 health that spreads to 3 allies within 6m.
[11] Scatter Shots: Landing a Critical Hit deals an additional 61 magic damage that spreads to 3 foes within 6m. Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 70 health that spreads to 3 allies within 6m.
[15] Scatter Shots: Landing a Critical Hit deals an additional 74 magic damage that spreads to 3 foes within 6m. Landing a Critical Heal restores an additional 85 health that spreads to 3 allies within 6m.
Fusion rune of Assault Power
Fusion rune of PvP Defense
Fusion rune of PvP Offense
Fusion rune of Support Power
Life rune of Insight
Life rune of PvP Defense
Water rune of Finesse
Water rune of PvP Defense
Air rune of Moxie
Fire rune of PvP Offense
Earth rune of PvP Defense
Earth rune of Crit. Severity
Заключительные мысли
- Так как обновление вещей при прокачке с 1 по 50 происходит очень быстро, то вставление рун в вещи до 50 уровня можно считать полнейшей тратой ресурсов.
- На уровнях пре-рейда (при фарме ветеранов) полезнее всего будет собирать сеты из раздела General Rune Sets, так как Eldan и большинство классовых сетов требуют эпичный Fusion эллемент, который встречается довольно редко.
- Соответственно Eldan Rune Sets на ряду с классовыми можно начинать собирать при прогрессе в 20 рейде.
- Знание типов рун, которые вам нужны под определенные сеты, например, что под сет Assassinнужны слоты Fire, Life и Logic, будет полезным знанием при покупке вещей, да и вообще при итемизации персонажа в целом.
- Процентные сетовые бонусы стакаются мультипликативно. Например, бонус 1.5% к Tech урону с 8 рун сета Technophile будет добавляться поверх бонуса в 1% c 4 рун. То есть, вы получите не 2.5% бонуса к урону, а немного больше. Вместо 102.5% получим 102.515%. Колоссальная разница ;D
- Бонусы с похожих сетов из разделов General и Eldan стакаются между собой. Например, бонус из 4 рун в 1% дополнительного Tech урона из сета Technophile будет стакаться с бонусом в 1.5% из 8 рун сета Tech Fire Starter.